Register a new account

If this is the first time you have used our service, please fill out our simple registration form.

Personal Details


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Company Details (Business use only)

(Cheque payments will be to this name)

Login Details


We recommend using your email address as your username. However, you are welcome to change the username to one of your choice if preferred. Your username must be at least 5 characters long. Make a note of your username and password and store in a safe place.

Your password must be at least 8 characters long.

Tips for a secure password

Use a password with a mix of letters
and numbers

Our password strength indicator will show
you how secure your password is.

Use a unique password
Do not use the same password for all your on-line accounts. If one gets compromised, a criminal gains access to all of them.

Consider using a pass-phrase
A phrase that only you know, and you can easily remember, consisting of three or four words. It is a lot easier to remember a phrase of several words than a long password.

Mazuma Mobile Newsletter

Mazuma Mobile will occasional email you with special offers and to inform you of promotions that may be of interest. You can opt out of receiving these emails at any time.

To opt out of our promotional emails:

  • Click the unsubscribe link in the email
  • Login and change your email preferences in the My account area of our website
  • Contact Us

Please Note
Even if you opt out of receiving promotional emails, we will continue to send you transactional emails about the status of your current sell order until it has been completed.

Need help? Call the Mazuma team on 0345 872 3000