Celebrate Earth Day by Recycling Your Old Tech

Celebrate Earth Day by Recycling Your Old Tech
As Earth Day 2024 approaches on the 22nd of April now is the perfect time to reflect on our impact on the planet and consider how we can make a positive change. One overlooked but excellent way to contribute to sustainability efforts is by recycling your old technology, and here at Mazuma, we’re always thrilled to help you with this! So today, we’ll look into…

Spring Cleaning for the Tech-Savvy

Spring Cleaning for the Tech-Savvy
If you want to start your spring cleaning the right way this year, we recommend beginning with your tech. It’s time to take a look through your devices and clean your virtual space! Whether this means deleting old photos and screenshots you’ll never need again or sending your old photos to the recycling bin, we’re here to give you the tips and tricks you need…

Why You Shouldn’t Throw Away Your Old Electronics

Why You Shouldn’t Throw Away Your Old Electronics
Every electronic eventually comes to the end of its life. Whether it is a games console, a tablet or a mobile phone, there comes the point where it is no longer useful to its owner. Electrical waste, alternatively known as e-waste, has been a problem for many years, but as the popularity of technology grows, so does the issue. We have explored previously why recycling…

What Happens When You Recycle Your Phone?

What Happens When You Recycle Your Phone?
Many of us want to make a difference, particularly when it comes to reducing the amount of waste we produce. Whilst we may have the best intentions, it can be challenging to know where to start. Luckily, mobile phone recycling can help. Selling your old devices for cash is a great way to make a little extra money, but people are also now realising the…

World Earth Day 2022

World Earth Day 2022
World Earth Day 2022: Why it means so much to Mazuma Mobile World Earth Day is celebrated on April 22 and is something that means a lot to us at Mazuma. When Earth Day was established in 1970 it was the advent of the environmental movement and since then things have grown substantially, particularly in relation to the theme of corporate social responsibility and the business community’s involvement in, and support…

Why Recycling Your Old Phone is Good for the Planet

Why Recycling Your Old Phone is Good for the Planet
Mobile phone technology has been continuously developing and improving for decades, and with new and better handsets being released each year, many of us routinely replace our devices. With the average phone contract lasting two years, most people will go through many devices in their lifetimes, resulting in thousands of old phones being thrown away every day, generating millions of tons of e-waste. We all…

10 Reasons To Buy A Refurbished Phone

If you’re looking to buy a new phone here at Mazuma, you’ll notice that you can save a lot of money by opting for a refurbished model, but is this a good enough reason to choose a refurbished phone ahead of a brand new one? Sometimes people can be a little apprehensive about buying a refurbished phone, so here are ten reasons why it might…